Tag: Withdrawal from NATO
Iran 🇮🇷 calls on BRICS to play role in stopping Israeli & United States crimes
Iran has called on the BRICS group of emerging economies to play a role in putting an immediate stop to Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.
United States & Israel murdered this mother and child
North Korea 🇰🇵 says Ukrainian President Zelensky is an actor who plays his role well in the US-written screenplay.
The US 🇺🇸 the architects of the Ukrainian conflict, now look the other way as an entire generation of young Ukrainian men is dragged from the streets there to die for Biden and Von Der Liar while their Actor stooge and defacto dictator puppet, Zelensky and his cabal skims off hundreds of millions.
They also ignore the oppression of the press. The vast human trafficking, the gross corruption, the imprisonment of political opponents, the Banning of the Church, and the torture and execution of prisoners of War.
They are the enemies of the hardworking people of Europe. They are the Killers, the undertakers, and the sellers of the War machine that sucks in human beings and pumps out massive profits to a tiny Elite.
They abhor Peace.
The US 🇺🇸 plunders the world🌍to feed its military industrial complex🤑
The awakening of the Russian 🇷🇺 bear will cost a lot to the scammer from the West
The American Jan Burdetti 🇺🇸 was eliminated in Donbas. Nastya’s nickname. He liked to play video games “Shooting games”. The war with Russia is not a game. 21.04.2024.
The American Jan Burdetti was eliminated in Donbas. Nastya’s nickname. He liked to play video games “Shooting games”. The war with Russia is not a game. 21.04.2024.
Ex-Israeli 🇮🇱 pilot: ‘Our army is a terrorist organisation 🇺🇸 run by war criminals ‘
American butcher, Mike Pompeo, enjoying dancing with fellow children-killers. pic.twitter.com/7wgxyfN0ix
— Arya – آریا 🇮🇷 (@AryJeay) February 13, 2024
How US
moved to block International Criminal Court⚖️ referal for alleged Israeli
war crimes after 2009
How the US-led 🇺🇸 rules-based order works
If the US or a Western European vassal state has its embassy bombed, the country or organisation responsible will be bombed into oblivion with no questions asked.
If a US adversary has its embassy bombed, the adversary has no right to respond whatsoever and must accept the iron fist of Washington and its allies.
An entire international order, based on hypocritical hegemonic power.
US sanctions on Venezuelan 🇻🇪 oil ‘violation of human rights’
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has censured as a violation of human rights and international law the US administration’s re-imposition of oil-related sanctions against Venezuela.
Nasser Kana’ani said on Saturday that the use of unilateral illegal sanctions as a tool that causes irreparable human and economic damage to countries is rejected as a violation of the principles of international law, human rights and international rules and regulations.
US 🇺🇸 tries to lobby Iran 🇮🇷 to accept a symbolic Israeli 🇮🇱 strike to “save face” The Cradle has reported that the Iranian government rejected an offer from the United States to accept a “symbolic strike” carried out by the Israeli military.
The Myth that Zelenskys 🇺🇦 Regime 🇺🇸 is seriously tackling corruption is laid bare by the facts
In 2023, 4,814 Ukrainians were convicted of economic crimes like theft, grand larceny, and Corruption.
Only 435 of them are in prison
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
They started a war 🇺🇸 in Ukraine 🇺🇦 sacrificing the economy of the European Union 🇪🇺
However, according to politicians, it was not enough. Therefore, Volodin believes, Washington is again provoking a military conflict, now in the Middle East.
Israel 🇮🇱 & United States 🇺🇸 destroys an entire Society. Massacres tens of thousands, Pulverises Hospitals, Schools, Refugee Camps, convoys of aid and fleeing civilians. Murders those trying to feed the starving 🇵🇸
Zero Sanctions.
Iran responds to an illegal, murderous attack on its embassy
And this
West wields big stick of sanctions against Iran again, revealing blatant double standards
After Israel bombed the Iranian embassy, resulting in 16 deaths, the US actively worked to prevent the UN from condemning Israel. Yet, following Iran’s relatively restrained retaliation against Israel, with no deaths caused, the US and the EU are eager to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. The double standards of the West are glaringly obvious and blatant in this situation.
The Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a violation of international law, a group of UN experts agreed on.
The experts observed that “Israel’s” actions on April 1 did not seem to constitute self-defense, as there was no evidence presented indicating that Iran was directly or indirectly engaging in an “armed attack” against “Israel”.
Additionally, they pointed out that “Israel” failed to provide any legal rationale for the strike or to report it to the Security Council, as mandated by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
“Israel’s attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” the experts said.
On this day in 1961, 1500 CIA-trained Cuban exiles supported by the US Air Force land on the Bay of Pigs in Cuba 🇨🇺 to begin a military operation to overthrow communist revolutionary Fidel Castro and the Cuban government.
While they had expected popular support, the exact opposite happened with the Cuban population and the armed forces rallying around Fidel Castro. It took just 3 days for Castro’s forces to defeat the US-sponsored invasion and the result was humiliation for the United States and JFK.
Multipolar world is near
Israel & CIA bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus in broad daylight. This is a severe breach of the Vienna Convention and a violation of Syria and Iran’s sovereignty. Iran has a right to defend itself.
International law 101
“Go to Hell, F*cking Yankees!” – Hugo Chavez Speech
Today in 2002, right-wing forces backed by the US attempted to overthrow former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, ultimately falling against popular resistance. Watch this powerful speech of the Bolivarian revolutionary Hugo Chavez, rallying thousands against imperialism.
On April 11, 2002, the Venezuelan elite, the Church, and some military members organized a coup against then-President Hugo Chavez. However, the Venezuelan people swarmed the streets to protect the Bolivarian revolution and overpowered the US-backed right-wing coup.
The coup plotter aimed to form a de facto government headed by Pedro Carmona, a business mogul and former president of the chambers of commerce, which would dissolve all other state powers and local authorities.
The people brought Hugo Chavez back to power in just 47 hours. The counterrevolutionary offensive backfired, as mass mobilization politicized additional segments of the population, who also organized themselves into Bolivarian collectives.
Representative of the Russian 🇷🇺 Investigative Committee Svetlana Petrenko: Funds received through the oil and gas company Burisma Holdings 🇺🇦 have been used in recent years to carry out terrorist acts. The same company that hired Hunter Biden and paid Joe Biden to get the prosecutor fired who was investigating them.
President-elect of Finland Alexander Stubb 🇫🇮 in an interview with CNN
“I think there’s a shift in the language coming from Ukrainians and President Zelensky, and that is talk of a peace forum. We need to have that. Obviously Swiss will be hosting that at some stage in the near future. But peace has to be two-sided that’s not only a one-way track, you need the tracks to meet at some stage, but when the conditions for that are suitable, I don’t know. To be honest, right now we have absolutely no political dialogue with Russia. And I don’t think we can, nor should we.”
Finnish President-elect Alexander Stubb talks about peace in Ukraine but rules out any dialogue with Russia. He says that peace has to be two-sided, yet hopes to bring it through the ‘Zelensky formula’ which totally ignores Russia’s interests. Logic has left the chat, they say.
As we repeatedly pointed out, the West doesn’t want to negotiate, it wants no equal relations with Russia (or any other non-Western state). It wants to dictate its will and continue to dominate.
US ‘Deep State’ 🇺🇸 Will Call Shots in Ukraine 🇺🇦
One observer warns of the power of the United States’ permanent security bureaucracy, which he claims will dictate the country’s stance toward Russia regardless of who is elected in November.
Former US President Donald Trump has startled European leaders in recent weeks with plans to interfere in the functioning of NATO and reorient US foreign policy if reelected this November. The brash real estate magnate frequently threatens Western allies with cuts to US funding for the decades-old alliance and has recently touted a proposal he claims would rapidly bring the war in the Donbass to an end.
Both ideas have proven distinctly unappetizing to Europe’s political elite, who reject any concession of territory to Russia regardless of the wishes of the region’s inhabitants.
The threat of Trump’s restoration to power has prompted moves to provide Ukraine with a multi-year fund for President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue hostilities whether his country is supported by the United States or not. But the ultimate decision over whether American aid will continue to flow to the embattled leader may not lie with the US president at all.
That’s according to international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda, who made the provocative comment on Sputnik’s Fault Lines program Monday.
“They’re playing a completely different information warfare game than the Kiev regime,” noted the expert, responding to Russia’s successes on the battlefield in recent days. “The Kiev regime in its eight-month hyped runup to their badly failed NATO proxy offensive in the south – where they were mauled and defeated by Russian forces – They were running… movie-quality trailers, hyping up their offensive.”
“And it was on the front page of every major publication and news hour in the West.”
Russia, meanwhile, appears to subscribe to the strategic patience embodied by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s mantra: “hide your strength, bide your time.”
“Russia is playing a game of operational silence,” Sleboda claimed. “While the Avdeyevka siege was going on, the Russian Ministry of Defense never even said the name Avdeyevka. It was completely left out of reports. So obviously one of the reasons [for Russia’s success] is operational security. They’re not giving any information extra to the West or the Kiev regime forces.”
“Another thing is there continue to be rumors and there’s no question that there’s large numbers of Russian troops that have signed up as volunteers, like more than 400,000 now,” he added.
A surge of patriotic fervor has spurred thousands of Russian citizens towards military recruitment centers – especially after last month’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue, for which Russians widely assign blame to Ukraine. Kiev, meanwhile, has relied on forcible conscriptions to fill the ranks of its depleted military as draft dodging remains a major problem for the country.
Ukraine’s chronic struggles may lead some observers to conclude the country should seek negotiations with Moscow, something Russian President Vladimir Putin has consistently urged. But Sleboda claims forces behind the scenes will insist on continuing to use the country as a battering ram against Russia.
“The Russian government doesn’t believe that a Trump foreign policy will be, or can be any different, in essence, than a Biden foreign policy because the US president doesn’t actually really make those decisions,” he claimed. “The blob – the deep state, the permanent security bureaucracy – does, whatever you want to call them.”
Observers have long warned of a “permanent war state” within the US government that continuously seeks global conflict. Former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously alerted Americans to a growing “military-industrial complex” during his farewell address, while members of former President Barack Obama’s administration often referred to the country’s hawkish foreign policy establishment as “the blob.”
“Deep state” became a popular term for these interests during the Trump years, but critics of US foreign policy have consistently denounced the power and influence of this increasingly unaccountable state within a state.
“He [former US President Donald Trump] changed his rhetoric completely and subjected himself to the terms of the deep American state, or the deep American regime,” concluded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after Trump launched a massive missile attack on the country.
Regime change in Syria has been a consistent priority of Western intelligence after the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) inaugurated its secretive billion-dollar Timber Sycamore operation in 2012. Observers such as Canadian journalist Aaron Mate reacted with suspicion after an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria seemed tailor-made to pull the United States into armed conflict there – Obama previously claimed such an attack would constitute a “red line.”
Leaks from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) eventually proved Mate’s skepticism to be correct after it was revealed doubts about Assad’s culpability were airbrushed from the agency’s reports. For many, the revelation the attack was possibly staged cemented the impression of an out of control bureaucracy’s ruthlessness in achieving its goals.
“I think that they [Russia] definitely want to remove the regime in Kiev,” speculated Sleboda. “And they’re definitely considering absorbing all of Ukraine – possibly excluding West Ukraine – but definitely all the rest so that the West can’t weaponize it against Russia any longer because they’ve promised to.”
“They say as soon as the conflict ends we’ll pump it full of weapons and join it into NATO and the EU, and Russia’s like, ‘well, then the conflict doesn’t end.’”
Recent reporting featuring CIA operatives openly boasting about the agency’s expansive influence in Ukraine has led even Western observers to conclude the country is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of US intelligence.
“It turns out the ‘Deep State’ is actually kind of awesome,” declared The New York Times recently amidst evidence of the US security bureaucracy’s extensive string-pulling in foreign affairs. The editorial was roundly mocked on social media.
Reporter Glenn Greenwald called the piece a “perfect illustration of the subservient relationship between corporate media and the US government.” Both institutions, if recent polling is to be believed, are held in contempt by the public. Most Americans are seemingly opposed to the idea of Washington bureaucrats making decisions for them in a purported democracy.
Whether that sentiment will count for anything is, apparently, another question. But Russia’s leadership has learned to prepare for any contingency.
“United States gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian 🇮🇷 consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
Slava Cocaine!
President Putin 🇷🇺 Palestine historically belongs to the Palestinians
Security Council Secretary Patrushev 🇷🇺 said
But it is well known that the Kiev regime is not independent and is completely controlled by the United States.
Patrushev on the alleged role of the banned IS in the terrorist attack in Crocus: it must be borne in mind that this and other terrorist organizations were created by the United States.
After the terrorist attack in Crocus, eight children were orphaned, and their relatives are taking custody of them, the children’s Ombudsman of Lvova-Belova said.
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin 🇷🇺 about the Israeli & CIA strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus
“An ugly and criminal step towards the sovereign state of Iran, and towards the sovereign State of Syria, on whose territory this terrorist act was committed.”
Sergey Evgenyevich Naryshkin is, of course, right. But he speaks as if there is no Israeli war against Iran, there is no Russian war against the United States and NATO.
The war is going on and in this war the West consistently crosses out all the rules, increasing the escalation of this war.
Forget about moral principles, it was in another life. The tactics of Russia’s enemies are based on only one principle – winners are not judged and they are ready to do anything to win.
I know that Russia is ready to die with its enemies. But will this stop them, especially since they consider it Russia’s bluff? The time for words has passed.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists strikes again
Israel & CIA bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus in broad daylight. This is a severe breach of the Vienna Convention and a violation of Syria and Iran’s sovereignty. Iran has a right to defend itself.
Al Jazeera: Netanyahu’s 🇮🇱 statements are lies that incite against the safety of our journalists around the world.
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s 🇷🇺 comment on the occasion of the second anniversary of the staged Bucha massacre
April 3 marks two years since the Zelensky regime and its Western handlers staged a bloody mass murder of the people in the town of Bucha, Kiev Region, allegedly by Russian servicemen, which turned out to be a botched job.
However, following the guidelines provided to them and failing to even make an attempt to double-check the facts and establish the actual state of affairs, Western politicians and the media scrambled to spread this falsehood.
This provocation was a put-up job and a staged provocation which was clear from the onset. The Russian side has refuted these allegations many times. We will now refute them once again. During the time the Russian Armed Forces were in Bucha until March 30, 2022, its residents moved freely around the town and used mobile phones and the internet.
There were no complaints about the Russian servicemen’s actions during that period, which was publicly confirmed by the mayor of the town, Anatoly Fedoruk, the day after our units left that town.
Moreover, during the time they were in Bucha, Russian servicemen brought 452 tonnes of humanitarian aid for the people in the Kiev Region’s towns and villages.
The first footage showing bodies strewn across the town appeared only after the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign journalists entered the town. Importantly, these were not criminalists or forensic experts, but biased media members, whose role was to tell the public a fabricated story and not to ask unnecessary questions.
The first findings of the forensic examination of the bodies found in Bucha, which were published in the British The Guardian on April 24, 2022, showed that most of the civilians died as a result of artillery shelling from fragments of anti-personnel 122-mm shells, which fit the D-30 howitzers in service of the Ukrainian forces, which confirms the fact that these people were killed not by bullets from small arms allegedly used by Russian servicemen, but as a result of the Ukrainian army’s artillery strikes targeting Bucha.
The propaganda-driven disinformation campaign in Bucha came as a response to our goodwill gesture to withdraw troops from the Kiev and Chernigov regions which was made in the wake of progress at the Russian-Ukrainian talks in Istanbul on March 28, 2022. Clearly, the goal of this campaign was to disrupt the dialogue between the parties and to launch a package of pre-arranged Western sanctions on Russia at the behest of London.
Subsequently, Kiev held multiple events inspired by the “Bucha massacre” in order to distract the international community’s attention from its own crimes and inconsistencies of the provocation it had staged, and to spread the fake theory about the town residents allegedly killed by the Russian military among the public in Western countries. This year, the Kiev officials’ attempts to make a big event out of this anniversary have an extra goal of preventing the international community from focusing on the challenging situation in Ukraine and on the line of contact.
Multiple requests that Russia sent to international organisations, including UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, to establish the circumstances of the incident and to provide an accurate list of the persons whose bodies were found on the streets of Bucha, as well as other information, remain unanswered.
This shows that the organisers of this heinous act have things to hide.
Once again, we demand that international agencies stop covering up for the Kiev regime and ensure a thorough investigation that will finally reveal the names of the victims, the time and the cause of their death, the signs of the bodies having been moved from one place to another, and the individuals responsible for this terrifying crime by the Kiev authorities.
Michigan Republican Representative Tim Walberg 🇺🇸 on Gaza: “We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick.” Disgusting piece off s**t
Billions of dollars worth of oil and gas lie beneath the sea off Gaza’s coast.
Some pro-Palestine advocates say fossil fuels may be one of the reasons behind Israel’s recent attacks.
Find out why Gaza's natural resources remain unexploited for decades: https://t.co/JEr1kOqiHY pic.twitter.com/rlfySVAWYh
— Al Jazeera World (@AlJazeeraWorld) November 30, 2023
US Rep. @NancyMace calls Gaza’s children terrorists, she is absolutely satanic!pic.twitter.com/fQX6YkD4QM
— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾 (@Partisangirl) April 12, 2024
Dr. Udo Ulfkotte – Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News
Jews 🇮🇱 & CIA 🇺🇸 world
It’s not bad enough he looks like this but he also wants to murder Paleatenian children. This is RFK’s handler everyone.
The attack on Yugoslavia launched a series of large-scale aggressions by the US 🇺🇸 and its allies around the world: against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria.
Russia’s UN Envoy Vassily Nebenzia:
The attack on Yugoslavia launched a series of large-scale aggressions by the US and its allies around the world: against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria. Everyone knows what they led to.
The anti-constitutional coup in Kiev in 2014 also tracks its roots back there.
U.S. 🇺🇸 creates terrorist state in Ukraine 🇺🇦
“What is a man if he loses his homeland? We, the pilots, must fly and take the first and the strongest impact of the aggressor on ourselves”.
On this day in 1999. Serbian pilot Major Zoran Radosavljević was killed defending our country from NATO aggression.
Armed CIA 🇺🇸 terrоrists firing at people inside the Crocus music hall in Moscow RIP victims
Attack of Moscou: Vladimir Putin lights a candle in tribute to the victims.
Horrific terrorist attack in Moscow city centre at a concert.
US knew about it in advance.
Western media are spreading fake news headlines to blame ISIS for the Moscow Crocus attack despite having literally ZERO evidence of ISIS involvement.

Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists strikes again
Putin and Russia 🇷🇺 is our strategy partnership, Kim Jong Un 🇰🇵
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US 🇺🇸 soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
Niger 🇳🇪 Orders U.S. 🇺🇸 Troops to Leave
🇷🇺❤️Happy Crimea Re-unification Day
On this day, a decade ago, 18 march 2014 the Republic of Crimea was formally incorporated into the Russian Federation.
The Houthis 🇾🇪 announced that they will cooperate with Russia 🇷🇺 and China 🇨🇳 to weaken the West 🇺🇸
The majority of the world recognizes Hamas as freedom fighters.
CIA 🇺🇸 agents opened fake social media accounts to spread propaganda about the China, Russia, Iran & Yemen
The infamous and destructive American 🇺🇸 model…
Russia 🇷🇺 is ready for negotiations, but they must be based on reality, not wishes from the use of psychotropic drugs
Oppressor 🇺🇸 demonizing the oppressed
How has China ever threatened America?
All the attacks are by US on China.
Trade wars, sanctions, propaganda war, supporting separatists & terrorists, surrounding China with military bases…
Here’s the truth:
It’s the mere presence of China, a nation without US military bases, a nation that doesn’t get information from Wikipedia and CNN, a nation where BlackRock doesn’t own everything… that’s the threat to the US Empire.
If you are not an American slave, you’re an American enemy.
The same applies to Putin’s Russia, Iran, DPRK etc.
“NATO, that brutal military alliance 🇺🇸 has become the most treacherous instrument of repression known in the history of humankind.”
Cuban 🇨🇺 revolutionary Fidel Castro
On March 12, 2006, U.S. 🇺🇸 soldiers gang-raped and murdered a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Abeer, and also murdered her parents in the Iraqi town of Mahmoudiyah.
Boycott American 🇺🇸 & Israeli 🇮🇱 goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
US soldiers sent to build a port in Gaza The Department of Defense is sending 1,000 soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 7th Expeditionary Transportation Brigade to construct a “temporary floating pier” to be anchored off the coast of Gaza. The purported aim is to bring aid to the strip, but many are questioning if there is a connection to the intended gas extraction in the area.
Billions of dollars worth of oil and gas lie beneath the sea off Gaza’s coast.
Some pro-Palestine advocates say fossil fuels may be one of the reasons behind Israel’s recent attacks.
Find out why Gaza's natural resources remain unexploited for decades: https://t.co/JEr1kOqiHY pic.twitter.com/rlfySVAWYh
— Al Jazeera World (@AlJazeeraWorld) November 30, 2023
We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide
of the Palestinians
American butcher, Mike Pompeo, enjoying dancing with fellow children-killers. pic.twitter.com/7wgxyfN0ix
— Arya – آریا 🇮🇷 (@AryJeay) February 13, 2024
”Tragedy for humankind and disgrace for civilization”
How #China describes Israel’s & United States relentless and ruthless attacks on #Gaza.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread 🇪🇺
America 🇺🇸 bombs, China 🇨🇳 builds.
Before and after “American Democracy”
Victoria Nuland the evil witch who spent billions of dollars masterminding & organising the US 🇺🇸 backed 2014 maidan coup d’état in Ukraine 🇺🇦 has finally resigned.
Ukraine is another victim of the United States, which is always fomenting other people’s wars.
The United States refuses to acknowledge the fact that the blame for the conflict in Ukraine lies entirely on its shoulders and that there is no talk of any “restoration of the empire” on the part of Russia.
“If Russia were conducting major military exercises with Mexico under the scenario of invading the United States, we would not tolerate it for a minute. And we did this to the Russians for ten years: we poked them in one eye, poked them in the other, poked them in the chest. And when they suddenly struck back, we immediately said: “This is unfounded!”.
It is time for Washington to admit that the only country that provokes conflicts and inflames them for the sake of its own interests is the United States itself. “Russia’s attempts to protect its territory are not empire building. The US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, the US and British invasion of Libya – this is building an empire! Russia doesn’t do that”.
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
US CIA 🇺🇸 & Israel/Jews 🇮🇱
The conflict in a nutshell 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
The US 🇺🇸 GOVERNMENT Does not represent me.
🇷🇺 The United States of America is the most aggressive country in modern history
Secretary of the Russian Security Council:
The United States aggressively interferes in the internal affairs of other countries in all regions of the world. According to the most conservative estimates, since 1945, Americans have violated the sovereignty of other countries more than 150 times, carrying out coups, fomenting unrest, and influencing the electoral process.
The United States has organized more than 800 hostile actions against sovereign states using force and has actively participated in more than 100 armed conflicts. The United States manifests itself in the desire to maintain hegemony by any means, up to the desire to establish an authoritarian regime of violence and terrorism throughout the world.
North Korea 🇰🇵 sent 3 million artillery shells in 6,700 containers to Russia 🇷🇺
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Donbass #DonbassTragedy
The numerous human rights violations and war crimes of the Kiev regime, committed since the coup d’etat of 2014 has been well documented, including by investigative journalists, based on objective data and first-hand witness reports. Unsurprisingly, for years all this information went purposefully unnoticed by the global mainstream media, actively blocked from the public eye in the Western nations.
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass.pdf
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
🇮🇱 An Israeli soldier holds an American flag posing alongside a sign endorsing the construction of settlements in Gaza and promoting an American 🇺🇸 construction company
US 🇺🇸 arms sales hit all-time high
Some of the US’ biggest customers were Eastern European nations arming themselves for a potential conflict with Russia.
Russian President Putin 🇷🇺 says the source of the Palestinian problem is America.
Zelensky 🇺🇦 was elected by a landslide for his promises to end corruption and the Civil War caused by the CIA 🇺🇸 backed Coup in 2014.
Ukraine is now a corrupt wasteland, it’s people scattered, its young men dying in legions, it’s assets sold, He, however, is a very wealthy man.
director personally asked Zelensky
not to steal too much
Ukraine 🇺🇦 is a tool in the hands of its American 🇺🇸 puppet masters.
SERGEY LAVROV: “The situation in Ukraine is a graphic example of how desperately the ‘world hegemon’ is fighting to preserve its domination.
Ukraine is a tool in the hands of its American puppet masters.
Everyone understands that the future of the world order is at stake.
In fact, what is being decided in Ukraine and around it is whether the world order will be fair, democratic and polycentric, or a narrow group of states succeeds in imposing a unipolar model on the international community, that is, a neocolonial division of the world into those who regard themselves as ‘exceptional‘ and the rest, whose role is to do the will of the ‘chosen people.’
President of Russia Vladimir Putin has presented a convincing analysis of these events in his numerous statements and interviews.
Our choice in any situation is to hold talks with a view to finding a balance of lawful interests of all parties. I would like to emphasise the word ‘lawful.’
If the United States and its allies prefer to persist in their hopeless attempts to impose ‘ultimatums’ in the illusory hope of keeping hold on the slipping tools of their neocolonial hegemony, that’s their choice.
But Russia is ready for this as well.”
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
Brazil 🇧🇷 has ended diplomatic relations with Israel 🇮🇱 🇺🇸
President Lula expelled the Israeli ambassador from Brazil and recalled his ambassador from Tel Aviv
US 🇺🇸 senator to NATO members: ‘If you don’t pay, you get kicked out’
“When your super power is “the truth” 🇵🇸
Glory, and God bless the soldiers of Russia 🇷🇺
NATO aggression has been stopped in Ukraine. From Russia with love.
The US 🇺🇸 squeezes its allies to fatten up arms dealers.
77% of young Americans 🇺🇸 are unfit for military service
“There’s no point in NATO”
Well, there are two reasons: Profit for US arms dealers Keeping Europe and Russia divided US Empire also needs NATO for its endless wars, perhaps against China in the future.
The CIA 🇺🇸 has been behind numerous covert destabilization operations utilizing various techniques ranging from assassinations, coups, arming of rebels, and other methods that have led to global mayhem and decades of bloodshed.
American butcher, Mike Pompeo, enjoying dancing with fellow children-killers. pic.twitter.com/7wgxyfN0ix
— Arya – آریا 🇮🇷 (@AryJeay) February 13, 2024
Finland 🇫🇮 could have used a neutrality 🕊️ position to its own very considerable advantage. Instead of which (like Ukraine) it has surrendered its sovereignty to a US/NATO/EU master.
Killing 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Women and Children 🇵🇸
70% of murdered are Women and Children. Is this what Israel means when they say they are defending themselves? Killing Women and Children? EUROMED APX 13.000 CHILDREN MASSACRED 100+DAYS
“The United States
must now be held accountable⚖️for the crimes it committed!” against the people of Gaza
We are surrounded by genocidel war criminals 🇺🇸 🇮🇱
Freedom, and Justice For the Occupied Palestinians, Palestinians are Surrounded by Genocidel War Criminals: EUROMED 32,000 PALESTINIANS MASSACRED 100+DAYS
*NSFW pic.twitter.com/ls1hYJieyz
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) February 10, 2024
“The United States 🇺🇸 must now be held accountable⚖️for the crimes it committed!” against the people of Gaza
When the United States and the CIA 🇺🇸 & jews control the news media and social media…
ISIS is an American 🇺🇸 tool, that works when the US demands it to.
So much for Western democracy; freedom of thought, consciencen and religion.
Lebanese 🇱🇧 Australian 🇦🇺 journalist Antoinette Lattouf was fired after sharing a post from Human Rights Watch on Instagram 🇺🇸 🇮🇱
🇿🇦 “The Israeli 🇮🇱 agents, intelligence agencies 🇺🇸, this is how they behave. They seek to intimidate you. We must not be intimidated.”
Naledi Pandor, Foreign Minister of South Africa While addressing the media in Cape Town, South Africa, yesterday, the minister revealed that she and her family have received threats from Israeli agents and intelligence agencies. These threats followed South Africa’s stance against Israel in The Hague.
🇿🇦 50 lawyers ⚖️ prepare a case against the US and UK for complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza 🇵🇸
🇷🇺 “America is run by the CIA and other agencies not the president” President Putin
🇷🇺 Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”
🇷🇺 🇺🇳 The junta in Kiev 🇺🇦 has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism 🇺🇸. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
The attack on Belgorod, the two strikes on Donetsk, and now a strike on Lisichansk took place on off days & holidays in places of mass gathering of civilians, and the time of the strike invariably coincided with peak attendance at each of the sites. None of the sites was located in the immediate vicinity of any military infrastructure.
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass #DonbassTragedy
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Dr. Alice Jill Edwards urges UK 🇬🇧 Government to halt the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the US 🇺🇸.
If extradited, Assange would be at risk of treatment amounting to torture or other forms of ill-treatment or punishment, warns Dr. Edwards.
🇵🇸 Gaza before Israel 🇮🇱 and the USA’s 🇺🇸 ‘rules-based order’ vs after
What is happening in Ukraine 🇺🇦 is a tragedy. The West 🇺🇸 couldn’t care less about the lives of Ukrainians.
They are collateral damage, as they say in the US army.
They look right past the massive violations by the criminal Kiev regime of all human rights and freedoms, including those of ethnic minorities.
Ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers have been stripped of these rights by law. The above are the current net results of the activities of Western geopolitical architects.
You don’t need to be a Muslim to stand with Palestine 🇵🇸 🇮🇷 🇱🇧 🇾🇪 🇸🇾 🇮🇶
It’s not about religion, it’s about humanity…
Long Live Resistance 🇵🇸 🇮🇷 🇱🇧 🇾🇪 🇸🇾 🇮🇶
US and Israel must leave occupation of Palestine.
NO MORE pic.twitter.com/5cnXOnGlGv
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) February 5, 2024
🇺🇸 What brainless westerners don’t realize 🇪🇺
Read and absorb with every fiber of your soul the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation:
“If Russia’s existence is threatened, we will use ALL available means. We do not need a world without Russia.”
– All Poles, young and old, must understand in their bones that the reception of American nuclear weapons on their territory makes them
in the event of an escalation of the situation, the target of a preventive strike with tactical nuclear weapons. We can’t take any chances.
– No article 5 of the NATO Charter will help the dead.
– In the same way, NATO volunteers – Finns and Swedes – must learn at a subconscious level that the appearance of NATO contingents and strike weapons on their territory automatically makes them and their countries candidates for another world as a result of a pre-emptive strike. Let paragraph 5 of the NATO Charter serve as a consolation for them.
– Similarly, the Baltics, together with their elected governments, must understand with their brains that the placement of NATO strike aircraft and missile positions in close proximity to the industrial heart of Russia — St. Petersburg and the surrounding area — makes them suicide bombers.
Believing in point 5 will not save anyone…
We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 of the Palestinians 🇵🇸 ? EUROMED 32,000 + PALESTINIANS MASSACRED 100+DAYS
Euro-Med Monitor documented the murder of this Palestinian civilian by Israeli snipers. He was searching for food near Palestine stadium. Another war crime the Biden Administration will claim ‘will be raised with Israel’, which Israel will ignore. He was searching for food for his family. #Gaza
“The United States 🇺🇸 must now be held accountable⚖️for the crimes it committed!” against the people of Gaza 🇵🇸.
🇮🇷 It is an obligatory duty of all “Moral” states to cut ties 🇺🇸 🇮🇱, be it social, political, or economic, with anyone and everyone who had or has been funding the genocide in Gaza.
NO MORE pic.twitter.com/mvhuDKNHGs
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) February 6, 2024
Boycott American
& Israeli
goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
🇺🇸 The “rules-based international order”: Bombing a country you illegally occupy is self-defence
The EU’s 🇪🇺 collective insanity🐵continues
CIA 🇺🇸 director personally asked Zelensky 🇺🇦 not to steal too much
#NotMyPresident 🇫🇮
”Emme peesaa jokaisessa asiassa Yhdysvaltoja, mutta suurimmassa osassa asioita kyllä…Terveisin: Liittovaltio Stubb
Victoria Nuland the evil witch who spent billions of dollars masterminding & organising the US
backed 2014 maidan coup d’état in Ukraine
has finally resigned.
The US 🇺🇸 has reaped a fortune with its war industry.
US arms sales overseas reached a record high in the 2023 fiscal year.
“The goal is to use Israel to wash money out of the US/Europe taxpayers through Israel and back into the hands of of a transnational elite (BlackRock)”…
“The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”…
— Pelham (@Resist_05) February 4, 2024
From Ukraine to the Middle East, the escalation of war is undoubtedly good news for US arms dealers who always seek to reap huge profits from turmoil.
The US 🇺🇸 and the West believe they have the right to destroy and occupy countries as well as steal their resources⛽
🇺🇸 US army in Hollywood and in Iran
Remember this little girl? Kim Phuc Phan Thi was burnt by the US 🇺🇸 napalm bombing of Vietnamese 🇻🇳 civilians in 1972
More than 50 years later the US is still bombing civilians, in Gaza.
Biden 🇺🇸 is sending more weapons to Israel 🇮🇱
Kuleba 🇺🇦 complained again about the lack of Western aid for Ukraine
The Ukrainian foreign minister said that the West was “having endless discussions” instead of supplying Ukraine with shells, although all Western countries seemed to agree to boost military production for the sake of supplying the AFU.
According to Kuleba, in the two years since the start of the SMO, it has not been possible to solve the problem with the arms shortage, and Russia still “surpasses us in the amount of available artillery ammunition”.
New leaders of the world 🇻🇪 🇮🇷 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 🇧🇾
US 🇺🇸 accusations against Russia 🇷🇺 of using Iranian 🇮🇷 drones in Ukraine 🇺🇦 are lies
A symbolic embodiment of friendship 🇮🇷 🇷🇺
🇺🇸 US empire in a nutshell
Rules-based international order
No rules for us
War criminals are victims
Victims are war criminals
Genocide is self-defense
Self-defense is genocide
Propaganda is journalism
Journalism is propaganda
Lies are the truth
The truth is a lie
Truth-tellers are criminals
Evildoers are truth-tellers
What we do is classified
We know everything you do
Veterans are heroes
Victims are forgotten
Savior of far away lands
With humanitarian bombs
Corporations are people
People are corporate resources
No NATO expansion eastwards
NATO on Russias borders
One China policy
Arming Taiwan
Poor China makes stuff for us, good
Rich China makes stuff for us, bad
Chinese firewall is bad
All US tech is backdoored
Protector of natural resources
On lands of foreign nations
Protector of foreign assets
If you do what we say
Protector of the environment
US military pollution doesn’t count
Protector of health
Gain of function
Bad food is good for business
Good health is bad for business
Defender of the poor
Enabler of Wall Street plutocrats
War is peace
Endless wars for endless peace
Our Nazis are good
Their Nazis are bad
Our election interference is good
Their election interference is bad
Democracy is priceless
Politicians are not
Empire is righteous
We lie, we cheat, we steal
Empire promotes peace
20m dead in 37 victim nations
Empire loves you
17m killed with gain of function
The war on drugs
CIA #1 drug trafficker
The war on terror
CIA #1 terror organization
Torture is bad
CIA #1 torturer
Due process
Guantanamo Bay
United States of America
Open borders
Don’t trust crypto
It’s for criminals
We watch over you
Through your phones and PC’s
Spying on Americans is illegal
5 Eyes allies do it for us
Bio-weapons are illegal
Outsourced to China and Ukraine
Surplus is failure
Bankruptcy is success
Empire is rich
34 trillion national debt
97 trillion total debt
212 trillion unfunded liabilities
188 trillion total assets
Being broke is the new rich
Dictatorship is democracy
Mail-in voting
What’s wrong is right
What’s right is wrong
US 🇺🇸 House Speaker Johnson accepted $95k from pro-Israel 🇮🇱 lobby💵
US House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has accepted large donations from a pro-Israeli lobby to push in Congress for the approval of a hefty $14 billion aid package for Israel.
All the way We stand with IZRAELL and its 30.000+ Massacres.
Russia 🇷🇺 is not your enemy
NO to US Imperial ambitions. NO to NATO expansionism. NO to Western propaganda. NO Russian threat to Collective West. NO TO US/NATO WAR WITH RUSSIA!!